Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: 23 December 2017
The Conference Organiser invites submissions on (but not be limited to) the following subthemes: health work force supply and training, health programmes in tertiary education, e-health/telemedicine health, health analytics, financing/insurance, medical tourism, corporate and clinical governance, patient safety, community-based programmes, delivery models, public-private partnership, role of social enterprise.
Information about Submission of Papers
Please submit abstracts and/or full papers with full name, name of institution/organisation, job title, email and contact number to by 23 December 2017. Abstracts and/or full papers submitted to this conference should not have been previously published or under review in any journals. The conference committee will select papers for oral and poster presentations on a competitive basis. Notification of acceptance for presentation will be provided in due course. Early submissions are highly encouraged in order to facilitate consideration and arrangements of presentations. Papers submitted by full-time students will be considered for the "Outstanding Student Papers Award". No registration fee will be charged.
Full papers, subject to double-blind review, will be considered for publication in a special Health Conference issue in the Public Administration and Policy: an Asia-Pacific Journal, the official journal of the Hong Kong Public Administration Association, a Supporting Organisation of the Conference. Notes to Contributors are available: